The second young adults retreat was held again in Halls Gap in January 2018 with the theme of ‘Real Worship’.
The Bible study topics covered at the 2018 Real Worship retreat included:
- Divine Service: preparation, encounter in God’s Word and Sacrament, and our response. How do we take our attitude of service and worship out into the world?
- What does it mean for us to be a Royal Priesthood?
- Two arms of serving: We receive from God and then hand this on to others.
- Ten commandments: God’s gift of protection to us. The Law is a fence (protects), a mirror (reflects) and a guide. Using the ten commandments and Scripture as a tool for thanksgiving, confession and supplication.
- Three estates: church (forgiveness), family (love, food, order, discipline), state (security, law and order). We serve our neighbours in all of these (Vocation).
- Two kingdoms.
- Luther’s format for Confession and Prayer.
There was a lot of positive feedback given by attendees at the 2018 retreat, including:
- I really enjoyed getting to go more in-depth into some theology in a relaxed environment.
- Amazingly spiritually refreshing and strengthening. It was such a strong environment to be in.
- Fellowship. Good Lutheran teaching. Getting back to Scripture which is so different to what the world tells us to do.
- The fellowship with other young Christians and being able to discuss the more technical and deep topics. Understanding the Bible on not the most basic level in the more complex realms.
- I liked the fact that the pastors did their best to clarify questions and dig into what was behind the questions.
- It is all directly relevant to our lives. It was not just theory-based, making it hard to translate to your own life yourself. It was made relevant to our lives.