Confessional Commitment

Confessional Commitment of Creative Word Fellowship

CWF is committed to:

The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Therefore its Members and Directors will:

  1. Proclaim a message of repentance and forgiveness in Jesus’ name (Luke 24:47).
  2. Regard God’s Law as holy and good (Rom 7:12), and as essential for the Christian life, since it
    a) Reveals to us God’s will for us as his creatures
    b) Exposes our sin, and thereby reveals our need for Christ as our Saviour.
  3. Confess that we must be justified by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, and his atoning death for our salvation (Rom 3:21-28; Eph 2:8-9).
  4. Strive to speak this Good News of forgiveness and salvation through Christ to others, and to allow it to predominate in their thoughts, words and actions.
  5. Reject all forms of self-justification as contrary to the Gospel. This includes:
    a) Attempting to use God’s Law as a path to salvation. |
    b) Perverting the Gospel into a message of human good works.
    c) Replacing God’s Law with human laws through which we attempt to justify ourselves.
    d) Suppressing or undermining God’s Law so that we can deny our sin, presume a false innocence, and thereby minimise or dispense with our need for repentance and forgiveness through Christ.

The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as a whole and in all their parts, as the divinely inspired, written and inerrant Word of God, and as the only infallible source and norm for all matters of faith, doctrine and life.

Therefore its Members and Directors will:

  1. Confess that the Bible is without qualification God’s Word.
  2. Strive to believe, teach, and confess the whole counsel of God as it is contained in Holy Scripture (Acts 20:27; Matt 28:20).
  3. Espouse the use of human reason, including the best human scholarship, when it is used as a humble servant that submits to the unerring Word of God, but reject all approaches to the study of the Bible that treat any part of it as (1) merely a fallible human word, or (2) elevate autonomous human reason as a judge over it.

Confessional Lutheran teaching.

Therefore its Members and Directors will:

  1. Acknowledge and accept as true expositions of the Word of God and as their own confession all the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord of 1580, namely, the three Ecumenical Creeds: the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed; the Unaltered Augsburg Confession; the Apology of the Augsburg Confession; the Smalcald Articles; the Small Catechism of Luther; the Large Catechism of Luther; and the Formula of Concord.

Trusting in God as the only one who has the power to build the Church by opening eyes that have been blinded by sin to the light of salvation.

Therefore its Members and Directors will:

  1. Commit themselves to pray for the Church and the salvation of the lost.
  2. Strive to speak, teach, disseminate, and enact God’s Word, and particularly its central message, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, trusting that this Word will not return to God empty (Isa 55:11), but that God will use it to build his Church by drawing people to Jesus Christ in faith.

Accepting the Theses of Agreement of 1966 as a faithful confession of biblical teaching for the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand.

If you would like to download a PDF copy of our confessional commitment, please click here