Speak Lord Conferences

Annual Speak Lord Conferences
The Speak Lord Conference is an annual conference. The inaugural Speak Lord Conference was held in May 2015 and the event is now in its 10th year. Previous materials and recordings from the conferences are available here.

Speak Lord conferences are open to anyone seeking a better understanding of God’s Word and how it applies to different aspects of a Christian’s life. Devotions and presentations are led by a mixture of ordained pastors, academics and lay people, and there is time over catered morning & afternoon tea and lunch to connect and join in fellowship with other attendees.

This years guest speaker is Rev Dr Kirk Clayton, an Assistant Professor of Theology at Concordia University Chicago where he teaches courses in Doctrinal Theology. His passion is Apologetics, the defense of the Christian faith in the face of challenges and questions. 

This years conference topic is “Defending the Faith; The Timeless Truth and Reliability of What We Believe”. Each weekend will be on different topics. If you register to attend one conference, you will be given a livestream link for each of the other conferences so that you can join us as we explore each of the three aspects the Rev Dr Kirk Clayton will be presenting on.

Registrations will soon be open for the 2025 Speak Lord Conferences to be held in June:

South Australia, 14th – 15th Jun:
“The Reliability of Scripture (Old and New Testaments) and Archaeological Support for Scripture” 

Victoria, 21st – 22nd Jun:
“The Truth of Events in the Life of Jesus (including miracles), the Reality of the Resurrection, and the Accuracy of the Events of Acts”

Queensland, 28th – 29th Jun:
“Defending against Current Attacks on Christianity–God is unloving, God is unjust, God is evil, Christianity has been detrimental to society, etc.”

More information, and registration page coming soon.

To keep informed about future Speak Lord Conferences, please subscribe to the mailing list.