
Past Creative Word Fellowship Conferences; resources.

Our primary resource is God’s Word, the Holy Bible, from which all Christian teachings are drawn.

The Christian church also has a rich heritage of writings that have been developed since the time of Christ, from early church fathers such as Saint Augustine.

Since the time of the Lutheran Reformation these explorations and explanations of the Word have increased exponentially. One of these authors, who produced copious writings that are still relevant today, is Dr Martin Luther, founding father of the Lutheran Church.(It is interesting to note that the Lutheran Church was so named by its opponents. Luther himself, had no intent to start a new church, let alone one that would be named after him!) Key documents which set the foundations for Lutheran theology, are contained in the 1580 Book of Concord, which includes useful tools such as the Small and Large Catechisms. These provide invaluable guidance to today’s parents looking to instruct their children in evangelical* Christianity.

Obviously we cannot bring you all the resources available today. However, through this organization and site, we will try to – over time – provide you with a starting point for accessing some of the evangelical resources that may be relevant in your life, and be a vehicle toward growing this body of knowledge into the future.

Click here for past Creative Word Conferences; resources.  We trust that there will be something that will help you to grow in your own understanding and knowledge of Christ, as well as to help you share it with others.

*Taken from the Greek, meaning “gospel” or “good news”. An Evangelical is one who spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Materials from Past Events