Creative Word Fellowship Now Online

Following the enthusiasm and positive response to the 2015 ‘Speak Lord’ Bible Conference, the idea was raised to take this one step further and create a formal fellowship of Lutherans. This would consist of lay people and pastors who are interested in supporting the development of theological education opportunities and resources to benefit work and mission – in particular the work and mission of the evangelical Lutheran Church in Australasia, ethnic and Aboriginal missions in Australia and New Zealand, and Lutheran missions overseas.

This fledgling organisation has been entitled the ‘Creative Word Fellowship’, remembering Luther’s description of the Church as being a ‘creature of God’s Word, which is its maker’. The Word of God therefore is creative in its essence – through it the Holy Spirit creates faith, brings those who are spiritually dead to life, and incorporates new people into God’s kingdom. After all, only God – through His Word and the Holy Spirit – has the power to build the Church by opening eyes that have been blinded by sin to the light of salvation. The Fellowship would therefore be confessionally committed to:

  • the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments – as the divinely inspired, written and inerrant Word of God
  • upholding the 1580 Book of Concord of 1580 and the 1966 Theses of Agreement for the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand
  • praying for the Church and the salvation of the lost
  • striving to speak, teach, disseminate, and enact God’s Word – and particularly the Gospel of Jesus Christ – trusting that God will use it to build his church.

Founding members of the initiative see many opportunities for the Creative Word Fellowship, both in its own activities and by partnering with and supporting many other established organisations. Activities may include developing biblical resources, coordinating education opportunities (e.g. conferences) and providing scholarships or grants for further initiatives and study.

God willing, 2017 will be an eventful year for the Fellowship. In April 2017, the inaugural Young Adults Bible Study Retreat was held. Plans are underway for the third set of Speak Lord conferences to be held in August 2017. Work is underway on the legal aspects of formally incorporating the organisation for future benefit. And, as you can see, as of May 2017 we will have a formal online presence through this website.

Please bear with us as this website and the broader work of this group matures. Please feel free to contact us if you have any ideas on what you would like to see included in the website – and also, of course, if you feel called to join the work of this group!